Ed Phy, Albert C Phy & Sons
The power of peers hinges upon a willingness to hear opposing views, ask challenging questions, call out blind spots, and care about another’s success. C12 member Ed Phy is a third-generation business owner nearing retirement and focusing on his succession plan.
With a deep desire to set up the next generation for success, Ed was weighing the decision to make a major purchase for the business–one that actually exceeded the value of the company. He brought the idea to his C12 peers, unwilling to move forward with such a decision until hearing their perspectives and weighing their counsel.
Bob Beggs, Good Works Inc
Stewarding a Business as a Ministry requires developing, communicating, and executing a strategic plan that considers all areas of the business. Leaders who build and reinforce a strategic plan empower their teams with meaningful work, critical direction, and organizational alignment, allowing their company to scale and progress toward its vision.
Good Works, Inc. is a non-profit construction company based in Coatesville, PA. Bob Beggs succeeded the founder as Executive Director, an honor and responsibility he takes very seriously! Drawing from his long career with the world’s largest aerospace company, Bob knew implementing a robust strategic planning process would be key to his successful succession. He also knew seeking God’s guidance would be key to leading the company into the next season.
David Simms, Talanton
Companies customarily serve the interests of their customers and often care for their employees, but perhaps most rarely consider the well-being of their suppliers. Yet every exchange in business, regardless of which direction money is flowing, represents an opportunity to obey Jesus’s Golden Rule to love our neighbors. For many business models, touch points with suppliers far exceed those with customers, making this a significant opportunity for life transformation through ongoing relationships and care.
Talanton, a C12 member company and impact investment firm, believes that our stewardship responsibility requires serving people throughout the supply chain—particularly those often overlooked or abused—so they flourish economically and spiritually.